Tuesday, March 25, 2008

it already exists

we're taught that surrealism really existed in the 20th century. clearly its existed before then but just not in the main arts stream. just like how they claim christopher columbus found america when really the vikings knew of its existence way before they claimed.

so i came across a few of these pictures on an old book archive linked through BibliOdyssey (--> links). This guy created a book of 'strange figures' in 1624. the last image i saved looks a lot like the futuristic fantasy characters you see around today. this guy was totally ahead of his time. definitley a genius. his name? Braccelli Giovanni Battista.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

no pictures this time

officially was in my first show this month.
it was for the environment.. and at the opening they served juice out of styrofoam cups. The previous post was mean, I was just really angry, I ended up talking to the wife and she said she didn't have time to go to like, the grocery store to pick up cups. honestly now, why would you want to contradict yourself at a show? She's really nice and I like her, but when I told her husband before that my paintings were hung incorrectly he never changed it. so whatever. it kinda sucked cause I finally sucked it up and hung in a gallery, and this was my first experience. we'll see what will happen in the future.

just added more links to the side. artistic people who kick ass
make time to check them out.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

first two i did myself
the last two i give most credit to rihkee and ba