Sunday, March 25, 2007

whats in the name

to explain the meaning of ganzfeld. since it is my chosen name of this blog.

ganzfeld n.
from Ganzfeld "whole field": a type of experiment used in researching psychic experiences [<>

"I am, in fact, the subject of a ganzfeld experiment. Ganzfeld, German for 'whole field,' refers to the boundless void in which I seem to be afloat." Kenneth Miller, "Phychics: Science or Séance?" Life, June 1998.

popularily known for being the name of telepathic experiments, i personally only knew about the second term until just now. what ganzfeld is is kind of like when you are involved in a *white-out* during a snow storm.. where you can perceive spatial depth even though it could all just be a flat simple colour. this is what james turrell uses in the exploration of light and space in his projects.
For the most part in the West we worship a certain type of economics, which is like worshipping a false god. It's like the Incas sacrificing children to try to get immortal life: politicians are willing to sacrifice the wellbeing of the people in their country in order to fit into this economic straitjacket which doesn't actually benefit anyone. It's a theory about economics which will collapse, and the sooner people realise that, the quicker they will be able to understand how we should be engaging with the world around us. Hopefully they will realise it before it collapses.
-thom yorke

i just really like the comparison he used to the economy.. Incas sacrificing children to try to get immortal life. its the most accurate comparison i've ever heard.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

metal point on chalk gessoed wood panel
just for class

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Friday, March 9, 2007

in your face princess!!

ok so way back in the day when i was working at the spag, there was this dude.. who wore a huge diamond earring in one ear that was such a little princess. the first day they put him in the dish pit he worked with one hand.. as if he was too good to be in there.. so of course they didn't give him shit for it and moved him up into the kitchen.. (which made everyone hate him) anyway. so the brat is super rich.. was telling me how his younger brother bought his girlfriend a $500 ring for their first month anniversary and he was studying like.. engineering.. or some sort of science prolly at u of t. so i was telling him one day about an artistic idea i had which included spheres/balls of light.. and he was all like ... 'that's impossible.. it doesn't exist.. you can't have balls of light!' meanwhile treating me like i was stupid because it was such an 'illogical' idea' and laughing at me.
too bad i don't know him now.. cause i'd shove this sucker in his face!
i totally rock

Thursday, March 8, 2007

I had a gathering tonight.
an unexpected guest stopped by..

those of you who didn't know i made such drawings... well.. now you do. scared? nahh don't be
EDITING NOTE: actually this would probably disturb me too if i came across this. i actually like to work with my fears throughout my work.. violence towards women is one of them.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


two of three prints ...
i really need to print out more images to stick in my sketchbook.. i'm getting tired of fungi..

in other news i'm kinda excited about some paintings i'm producing right now.. well.. one's done... the process of photographing it is always a pain.. but there's another which i am really excited to get done.. hopefully over the weekend!

i like how the fact that i mentioned 'post modern feminism' with the previous post.. the guys.. have remained silent.....

Monday, March 5, 2007

my response to post modern feminism

so last semester i wrote two essays based on feminism expressed in art today ... and i've definitely
had a response to all of what i studied in my work
here are two examples. i have a couple more up my sleeve but we'll see if they get produced.

watch me climb or fall

ok. so this will be my work blog.
as you know, i'm just starting out. still trying to figure my way into different styles.
you'll get to hear about anything art/inspirational related that i have to say, or post.. or whatever.
so as the title says, you'll either follow me as i create.. perhaps you'll take part in the process.
enjoy the show

here's a couple to start off:this.. is a small sketch i did last week. personally i like it as an actual piece but i doubt that would fly. personally one of my favourites.and this... well.. was just fooling around but one could say its a sketch. i made it for beck initially but i plan to use her head in other projects coming up. the background.. well i borrowed that off deviant art.