Monday, March 5, 2007

watch me climb or fall

ok. so this will be my work blog.
as you know, i'm just starting out. still trying to figure my way into different styles.
you'll get to hear about anything art/inspirational related that i have to say, or post.. or whatever.
so as the title says, you'll either follow me as i create.. perhaps you'll take part in the process.
enjoy the show

here's a couple to start off:this.. is a small sketch i did last week. personally i like it as an actual piece but i doubt that would fly. personally one of my favourites.and this... well.. was just fooling around but one could say its a sketch. i made it for beck initially but i plan to use her head in other projects coming up. the background.. well i borrowed that off deviant art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the second one with the face, that one is so cool... I am not much of an intelligent art guy, but I like what i see.