Sunday, March 25, 2007

whats in the name

to explain the meaning of ganzfeld. since it is my chosen name of this blog.

ganzfeld n.
from Ganzfeld "whole field": a type of experiment used in researching psychic experiences [<>

"I am, in fact, the subject of a ganzfeld experiment. Ganzfeld, German for 'whole field,' refers to the boundless void in which I seem to be afloat." Kenneth Miller, "Phychics: Science or Séance?" Life, June 1998.

popularily known for being the name of telepathic experiments, i personally only knew about the second term until just now. what ganzfeld is is kind of like when you are involved in a *white-out* during a snow storm.. where you can perceive spatial depth even though it could all just be a flat simple colour. this is what james turrell uses in the exploration of light and space in his projects.

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