Friday, March 9, 2007

in your face princess!!

ok so way back in the day when i was working at the spag, there was this dude.. who wore a huge diamond earring in one ear that was such a little princess. the first day they put him in the dish pit he worked with one hand.. as if he was too good to be in there.. so of course they didn't give him shit for it and moved him up into the kitchen.. (which made everyone hate him) anyway. so the brat is super rich.. was telling me how his younger brother bought his girlfriend a $500 ring for their first month anniversary and he was studying like.. engineering.. or some sort of science prolly at u of t. so i was telling him one day about an artistic idea i had which included spheres/balls of light.. and he was all like ... 'that's impossible.. it doesn't exist.. you can't have balls of light!' meanwhile treating me like i was stupid because it was such an 'illogical' idea' and laughing at me.
too bad i don't know him now.. cause i'd shove this sucker in his face!
i totally rock


Myndi Love said...

he wouldn't have gotten it anyways, haha.

Ian said...

I think his name was Mason. He promised me a drink on my last day and he totally didn't buy me one. Fuck that guy.